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Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year!!

It's time to have another holiday weekend and here to wish u all


New year new resolution. hope u all will hav a long long list for next year :) me still yet to think what I should do n should have :D enjoy d celebration n party more more more yeah *cheers*

Tribute to Jacqueline

Last nite was the last nite I see Jacqueline around in gym. She is leaving Malaysia to Hong Kong for good. At last back to her cats n husband. Feel like crying when hugged her n say bye bye. I can't see whoever around me leave me one...feel sad n unwillingly to part with my friends :( But have to. Although I don't really close to Jacq but I've learnt from her. I admire her who can b such successful n so powerful. She is really wonder woman n my idol in fitness. I wish I can like her one day. *wondering will it b too late for me??* She is friendly, thoughtful, helpful n kind to everyone. She sometimes cute in a way she acts n sometimes serious. Too bad I'm too late to become instructor n work with her. Hope that can know her more n learn more from her....nway hope v can keep in touch n see her again! muaks muaks muaks...hugzzz...for sure will c her again soon for next quarterly n if I go Hong Kong I look for u yeah Jacq!! Will like to join ur class there :D

Bon Voyage and all the best in future!! *wink wink*

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Body Jam Training

Here it comes the Body Jam training photos to share here :) Wan to c closer pls click here.
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Christmas Eve Pot Luck Party

Let me roughly tell how I celebrated christmas for the past few days.

23 Dec 05 (Friday):
No gym. Met with my ex colleagues for steamboat. Didn't know is one of them birthday and he treated us. So nice of him. Had some catch up about old company n how they getting on. Slept at about 2am by doing my friend's bracelet.

24 Dec 05 (Saturday):
Woke up at 7am. Go to market with friend to buy meat for nite pot luck party. I decided to cook "Char Siew" which my sis taught me b4 and some of my friends tried were saying nice. So I just marinated it after get back from market. Then go for a nap cos too sleepy by just slept for 5 hours. Then later manage to go to gym at Axis for 1pm Body Jam class by Azie. Didn't know she has video recording. I have to stand at front row to support her. And the class was non stop!! So the tiring oh...hehehe. but Azie, good workout :P next time u need supports just let us know. sure v all will b there for u!

I have to say sorry to Azie la...She was asking me what's my plan for xmas eve and knowing she has no plan. I told her will have a pot luck party. But didn't tell her with who. I wanted to invite her but I can't cos it was Non-Halal party. sorrie gal...

Went to Curve from Axis around 4ishpm to get gift for exchanging at nite. By the time I'm home already 6:15pm!! The party suppose starts at 7pm. I was late n not yet cook the Char Siew leh. So once home quickly cook it till 7ishpm. and change then straight to Larry's house. luckily the house near by my house. just 10 mins I'm there. Who knows I'm not the latest and they are still busy cooking. So I just help up preparing for the food. About 1-2 hours later only can eat...so hungry as I only had 1 meal in the morning. The food so delicious when u feel hungry. But fact that the food really delicious la hehehe.

Dang dang dang dang....here pics showing the food tat we've made n some group pic!! There are some more pics --> Xmas Pot LUck

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Everyone of us cook one dish and end up a lot dishes on the table!! so yummy and look nice rite?? And we did gift exchange and wear in red white dress code :) so the happening. Too much food n we ate till very very full. hehehe I was happy because my Char Siew most laku (wanted) one :D all said yummy yummy...for who wants to try next time I'll try to cook for u yeah ;)

I got an ikea lamp from larry. nice lamp n me got one already. so now make it a pair. after eat we have mahjong session while watching tv while chatting while taking photos. oh yeah forgot to mention one thing. Thanks to Clement who borrows the xmas tree. It is decorated so nice. Can c it from pic. We played till 3-4am then only go home.

25 Dec 2005 (Sunday):

Woke up at 10isham cos I need to fetch my sis bf to some where near by. Then I continue to sleep till noon. Thought of go gym but lazy n tired la. So end up just rest at home n go online. Took a nap in evening. At nite went to a friend's house warming at Bandar Botanic, Klang. Just took me 30 mins b there by Kesas Highway. It suppose 7pm starts but I"m only there at 8:30pm hehehe. late again but its still fine tat the party still on till 11pm mar. ;) Was there just an hour then quickly rush back to Larry's house and meet up to Raymond n Larry for midnite show. That nite got me, Raymond, Larry, Clement, Joey, Gan, Roland n Kento who watch King Kong together. The show was 3 hours long n by the time it finished already 3am. Arrrggh so the tired n sleepy. So just headed home after show.

26 Dec 2005 (Monday):

Woke up early again at 9ish morning. Why? Gotta go to Summit FF to join Body Jam class at 10:45am teaching by Leo and Philippines instructor, Arnel (yes! again philippines body jam instructor). hehee whenever got overseas instructors sure will check it out. No doubt they are good. wonder why they r so good?? admire oh. After Summit Jam straight heading to Curve launching. Of course also join Body Jam at 1:40pm. So excited to join the first launch! I getting into this new release -- BJ35!!

After Jam thought of join Body Attack but aiyah too tired la. so end up chatting with others n went to Ikea restaurant had some light food. Then later join them, Raymond, Larry, Clement n Joey at Larry's house for dinner. Larry is cooking dinner. Delicious dinner I had yum yum..thanks to Larry!!! Then played mahjong again. Later Roland n Kento join us. By the time home already 11ishpm liao. Oh my gosh...past few days no sleep well n tmrw hav to work. sure sleepy in office next day :D

But I did enjoy the days n felt it fills of happiness n excitements n joys. Thanks to all who been thru this xmas with me b4 or after. muaks muaks muaks.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Great Christmas Theme Class!

Yesterday Nic organized a xmas theme class for us. Really thanks to his efforts for decorating the studio with red white baloons, prizes, gift exchanging n make us wear in red n white n its really nice!! The class so happening and we all enjoyed. I believe photos will tell everything. Here some pics preview...wan more? come here...more more more!! Note: actually no need to register this kodakgallery to view photos. is my problem to share wrong link. here u go n can view d albums without any restrictions. just click on the photo in d link will do. ;)
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Happy Tong Yuen Day!!

Happy Dong Zhi!! its a chinese festival during year end. today is a day for all family members to gather for dinner n hav tong tuen!! so fast is a year past. And xmas is around d corner, any plan yet? my plan will b stay in KL lar. tmrw nite dinner with ex colleagues for steamboat. Saturday will have pot luck and gift exchange at Larry's house with some gym mates. Sunday most probably will go for my high school friend's house warming.

Have you bought xmas gift for ur special one? its still not late to do so. quick quick quick. I've already bought.

Tonight will go Axis Nic's intermmediate step class. cos v will hav sort of xmas party in d class. tonite is color theme class which v need to wear red n white with santa cap n optional to get a small gift for exchanging. looking forward for it. sure happening hohoho

Now every shopping mall jam with cars n peeps!! few days ago went mid valley for gift shopping n took some time to get a parking. then last nite went 1U again...traffic jam d way to there n took me half an hour or more to get a parking!!! gosh...where come so many ppls?? all busy buying xmas gifts?? n sales is on now so everyone busy shopping for cny clothes? sob sob...better stay away from shopping at d moment if not needed. don like crowded place.

Cute site



Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Some Actitivites Lately

Farewell dinner/drink with Jacqueline
After the dance show we meet up with other who had dinner with Jacqueline at Coliseum. We met at Dome Lot 10. And another great nite with over 20 of us. Jacqueline is FF GX Manager and she is leaving to HK for good. So we kind of had a farewell dinner and chat with her. She is still around until end of this year. More pics Note: u need to register/login in order to view the album :)
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After the drinking session, me, Raymond & Clement went to Bliss to meet up others who already there. haha I lost control on tat nite n "molest" some of them. oh...just having fun n dance crazy since no one will bother me there hehehe. tak perlu jaga image. :D

Last Saturday went for a ballet dance show performed by Larry n his friends. It located at Panggung Bandaraya. Very nice show. All are wonderful dancers. It was my fist time attended such performance. Here some pics taken only. haha the middle pics am I look like couple with the guyz?? :p
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Azie's Birthday
15 Dec is Azyei's birthday so we all plan to give her surprised. She was so surprised n happy to c us around. Tat nite abt 20 of us or more than tat. long table n we were busy takingi pictues, makan, chatting. more pics
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Friday, December 16, 2005

am I look like one of them ???? ^_^

few days ago, receive an email from someone which I donno (get my details from a community I signed long time ago) asking me am I gay/lesbian/bi??? aiyoyoyo, am I look like? or I'm too attractive until this lady wanna ask me as her partner?? hahahaha really first time got such thing happened to me!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Celebration after Training

Is not really a celebration. Just coincident Monday 12 Dec is Selangor state holiday n Body Jam training just over on 11th. Also because an international instructor from Philippines - Clark still around in town and he is conducting Body Jam at Curve. So we all jammers just go there to join his class. Most of us so like to c Clark do d jam. It was really great, fun, happening, crazy, high till d end. Gotta thanks to Clark. Because he is leaving soon, so we all hang out with him for d day. He taught us a lot about body jam. I've learnt a lot since training and very very glad tat together with all d jammers n instructors. sooo happy to join d jam family. everyone is important to me, they all r great persons. d spirits around tat can make u high, make u go on with happiness. d training brought me different kind of experiences n gotta chance to know to learn different things out of my own world. especially happy to know talented instructors from oversea. Fitness world - a new change in my life n my first step to different world. it is a challenging, energetic, enthusiasm, passion, friendliness... all together. Though it's not easy as wat I thought previously....passion passion passion!!! It's a goal to go for it...go go go.
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Some Old Photos To Share

SODA clubbing - SODA is a new pub around the town in Sri Hartamas. So my friend ask me go together to check it out. Since I've been about a year (more or less? cant remember) no clubbing. And miss all my friends out there (clubbing kaki) so decided to go with them although I've very very tired just from gym. Tat nite got a special DJ invited from Thailand. She was cool n sexy. Her skill not bad n nice music played. Had fun n met some new friends n a junior from high school which he still can remember me. :D means I've not change much?? hmmm impossible. :p at least I become prettier mar kekeke. These were polaroid photo so a bit blur from scanning but still can c my cute face nia *oppps* :P

Pic was taken away due to some resons...sorry guys

Paintball - Company subsidy us for paintball event. It is located at Bukit Jalil behind hockey stadium. Total RM70 each with basic 50 pallets + 1000 pallets share among us. Total 11 of us. Quite tiring sport but was fun although in d end of d game muds over my pant n shoe. 2 hours game n my result got 3 bruises + 1 bleeding part. fine fine fine...just little pain n some tattoo for few days :p haha. hopefully next time got more ppl go for it n get a bigger battle field.

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Monday, December 12, 2005


Glad that training is over. These 3 days really very tiring days. average sleeps only 5-6 hours plus the workout for hours in these 3 days. First day is the worst, workout for abt 5 hours non stop. Physically n metally very tired. But I did enjoy the process and hard workout. Although result not my expectation but I know its my problem. I'm not putting 100% overall. Anyway I'm pass for the training la. Just Pass to Shadow. I still have a lot things to do after this. To work harder to get better physical execution and coaching skills. It is really not easy being instructor. For time being I still cant teach...following 3 months I have to work hard to teach on stage. I'm not sure I can make it not. No confident & passion in myself. :(

Anyway, still happy pass it together with all the coursemates. Glad to know them n spent this 3 precious time together. All work it so hard. And last thanks to our trainer Tracy. She is so good in training ppl. I love the way the taught and sharing the info. Very informative and good opportunity to learn from her. Hard feeling to know this training is over. Hope all of us will keep in touch.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

~Exciting + Nervous ~

Tomorrow is the first day of Body Jam Training. 3 days training. 9-11 Dec. 1st day at SPK 2nd & 3rd day at Maxis. 8am-5:30pm. Would be tired days but for sure enjoyable + exciting + knowledgeable days for me. Cross fingers to wish all of us in the training pass to instruct :D

Today already no mood to work lor. Quite nervous about tomorrow. And tonite a bit busy n rush for doing last min shopping for food n some clothes. And I'm so tired n sleepy today as last nite din sleep well. So go home pack and sleep early. Gonna pack more baju for training. I sweat a lot n need to change more. Arggghh like very kan jiong n no time to do this do that. :)


1. 29 Nov - I've got a new toy --> IPOD video 30GB white. Main reason to get it now is for Body Jam Training helding coming weekend. And it's new product from Apple with video functions. Some more I ask my colleague bought it from Japan and is much more cheaper. These few days spent time to learn how to use it hehehe. Not bad if you do consider. *thumb up*

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2. The happy time I only have now is in the gym I think. Got friends around. Can workout till tired n straight head to bed when home. Don't have time think too much. Here some pic taken on Tuesday at Curve. The class was conducted by 4 overseas instructors from Singapore & Philipines. They are good. Of course, they becoming Trainer for instructors lor. Mean while me just move a step out to become instructor only :) They are nice persons. Ada gaya when they do the moves hehehe. must learn from them. they inspire me.
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3. Last nite a surprised call from someone I knew her thru internet but never met b4. She said she is in town!! I don't expect she will here in KL. Girl, you really can hide n lie to us oh. hehehe. She ask to have dinner at Souled Out with others. Before she calls I plan to go Carrefour to get food for my training and then go friend's house to practice. But by the time I'm home quite late so decided just meet them for dinner n cancelled my shopping thingy. Will shop later during lunch time. We had great time from the dinner. First time met her but don't feel strange. cos we did see each other thru net and chat for some time. Some photos taken but in Steph's camera. Waiting her to send me then I'll upload here.
After the dinner abt 10:30pm I went to a friend's house to have some practice till 1:30pm. *yawn* sleepy for today. well tonite will sleep very early!!


Last week was my sadest week. Exactly a week ago. My heart broken & whole person dropped to the very bottom mood. It's a cool down period for me. Hard to accept but have to. Can't do anything. If force will make situation worst. I dont dare. I can't afford to lose anything. If I follow I'll still have a hope. I wish my hope comes true. I've to learn not to hold things so tight, learn to take it easy. Learn to let go. Learn to do something not to hurt anyone anymore. The more you hurt ppl the more you will get hurt. It's true. Believe me. Treasure what you have and don't jeopardize what you have. Believe in Deja Vu. It is happened everywhere everytime. It happened to me until u cant really believe. My world my life is different now. I've to adapt it again. Now try to make myself busy until no time to think about sad things. It's only thing I can do.