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Monday, June 11, 2007


hmmm...past few days I have this thought....I wish to have my own family. How is it feel to have own child? Why will I have this kind of thought? Donno why past few days I've been seeing mummy and children everywhere...can feel the parenthood from them...the joy and the happiness. I know nowadays is not easy to have children but once you have it you will love it. To you they are everything...you can't live without them. You will have strong connections with your children no matter how...I wish to have this kind of feeling...donno when my wish comes true...sob sob...

Last Friday I had a small house warming from my best friend. All together four of us which used to be very closed together but not now. however we still in touch. Is nice to have get together again. among four of us 3 of them married. 2 of them mummy with 1 child. So glad to see them happy with their children and the kids getting olders. Listen to them talk about kids stuff quite interesting.

Then next day I was sitting at hair saloon doing my hair for 5 hours....in between the time I see a lot of mummy or daddy brought their children to cut hair...think will have at least 5 of them. some kid so cute...and I observed their face expressions...it was feeling good to see this kind of pictures....also read about motherhood articles from real life celebrities...feel glad they have children and all grown up when age 30ish...but not me...what can I do ar? *wondering*

I'm still enjoying my life...busy with all the time occupied....hard earning by sacrifies my time... however sometimes when stopping I feel to have someone there with me...a home to go...someone is there waiting...time to settle down but yet things allow to do so....it's life :)