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Thursday, March 15, 2007

BJam 40 Launch

Went to a launch in TF Taipan, the only branch launch on last Saturday. It was whole afternoon launch for all LesMills programs. I joined combat for the first class on that day. Quite like the new release but the hardest part for me will be swing push up. I'm weak on my upper body and not good at push up. That's why it holds me back from combat training :p

Next for me would be Bjam and it was last program on the day. As usual it was fun before class starts that everyone keep themselve busy dress up...yah only Jam can let you dress what you wish to...something different. It is a dance class so just have fun yoh. This new release is cool and fun! I love it. The launch for Jam was successful and very hip. All so high and enjoyed the musics, the moves, the atmosphere. At least I did enjoyed.

YESSSSS the pics are up! Go HERE to see all nice pics :D
Q1 Launch


Frankly, I'm kind of loosing passion on Jam after the failure from clearance. May be I think I don't suit for this program. Not good at dancing. Feel like giving up and try to involve in other program and see how it goes. But the HT never let me go. With the forcing, after the launch, next day which is Sunday, I've gotta shadow but last minute told to teach 1 track. A night before I was like "gosh! I havent learn anything!". Yes, since workshop, tuitions till launch I don't really put efforts learning chory, techniques and so. May be no motivation to learn it. This release no doubt nice but also tough to teach. Again, at the position where I'm standing hard to move on. But thank that HT giving chance to shadow or teach which still keep me alive in Jam. One time cannot try another time. Do more shadows...practice and practice then I'll get it. Now getting comfortable with new Jam and slowly memorizing the chory. And get used to the hyper tracks and not feeling tired as first time I did. good sign yoh. :D I'm trying hang on there......hang on...hang on...hang on....or new phrase learnt from project runway...carry on....carry on :p kekeke