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Sunday, July 08, 2007


Capoeira is a fun-filled and dynamic workout class that lets you tone your body by combining martial arts, dance, cardio and funky Brazilian music – all in one class.

Lately I'm into this Capoeira...it just newly introduced at TF and I will try my best to join all Capoeira classes as I can :p Cool dance and I really love it. Also because the instructors are good and leng chai la :p hehehe....So far I've joined the classes conducted by 5 of them and I find all of them are really really good! I'm still beginner ... lots of difficult moves still cant do...hopefully one day can be like them.

To me Capoeira really need flexibility a lot...and strong cores and back. It really stretch alot.. work on whole body muscles...if the core strong then u can do a lot of things. And this dance really need upside down which I'm so scare of. a lot of turning up and down...stretch body around and so on...not easy to learn but it is good and fun. Love the musics especially.

More Capoeira info can get from here. Those instructors are trained from Bantus. Try it yourself if you can ;)