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Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Since I bought my new phone I took a lot pictures of myself since it has front camera and easier for me.sometimes i just feel bored so take it hehe...just to share some pics been taken lately from my work desk. Some of them I put it as my avatar in messenger. Which one is nice?

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

And these are my toys on my desk. One is not mine, some given by friends, one I bought it. You guess which is which? hehehe
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Some other photos:

Perth Trip Photos

Birthday Photos


Lemonjude said...
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Lemonjude said...

good quality la ur camera phone...ok..which is nice, 2nd row 3rd pic n 4th row 1st pic...all also very sweet u...ei upon making a right guess of the toy u bought got hadiah ka? hehehe...i guess the Incredible toy u bought urself..

Shirlyn said...

hehe just have a wild guess. but judy, u r wrong hehehe. I'll tell the answer later :p

Jo said...

I know where are these soft toys from...and I know who gave it to her...kekekeke

Shirlyn said...

shhhh don tell if u know hehehe

Jo said...

of course I know lah siao boh....u told me geh!

Alex Wong said...

all also look nice!
compress all n make a pic!!

Shirlyn said...

Thanks to you Alex :)