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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wave Training

Today I go kepoh on the wave training at Taipan. Quite a number of instructors join the training. Hopefully they will teach also cos at the moment teaching Wave just 4 permanently teaching including me and another one stopped teaching for some time. I used to try to get cover but non can do it. So this time hope new batch can help. Due to my unforseen working hours I might drop the Wed 6:30pm and remain 8pm class. And hopefully get a class in Jaya33 which nearer to my office so I won't be rushed. Another 2 weeks later is Body Step training...looking forward. actually the training date crashed with my work which I just got to know yesterday. But no matter how I still gotta take leave cos already paid for the training. Lucky my manager ok with it. Start on 7 May got a new partner do engagement porting Oracle to DB2 for 2 weeks. So ngam the date crashed. But still got someone else backup at the moment. and I gotta do prior installation before the engagement. So should be ok. Just first 2 days not around...hopefully I won't lost when I go back :p


Tweets said...

Wave kills.

Shirlyn said...

where got kill? u don scare ppl away la hiak hiak