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Thursday, December 08, 2005


Last week was my sadest week. Exactly a week ago. My heart broken & whole person dropped to the very bottom mood. It's a cool down period for me. Hard to accept but have to. Can't do anything. If force will make situation worst. I dont dare. I can't afford to lose anything. If I follow I'll still have a hope. I wish my hope comes true. I've to learn not to hold things so tight, learn to take it easy. Learn to let go. Learn to do something not to hurt anyone anymore. The more you hurt ppl the more you will get hurt. It's true. Believe me. Treasure what you have and don't jeopardize what you have. Believe in Deja Vu. It is happened everywhere everytime. It happened to me until u cant really believe. My world my life is different now. I've to adapt it again. Now try to make myself busy until no time to think about sad things. It's only thing I can do.


Anonymous said...

Though I don't know what happened exactly, but from the way you remember the event so accurate, I think you still very sad now.
But cheer up, friends are helping you know?

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry for the sad things u mention. U know we are all here waiting u nomatter what happen.... Cheer up girl....

Shirlyn said...

thanks to both of u supporting me