Fanny, Chai, Shirlyn, Lyn
Suppose go for shadow at Curve FF but due to some misunderstanding then no more liao. So just join as member for BJam. My reason to Curve is because I wanna take shower and change there so later will meet up party friends later at Laundry...yeah same as last week Thursday always be there hehehe. Kind of like that place :p Watch out...might be there again next week kekeke. Reason? hmmm know more peeps lor. Everytime there sure got guys approach one. Last night knew someone working there as well. Cute but young guy....sigh...why all the guys I know sure younger one? especially those way too young :p Last nite got 3 gals 2 guys. Same 3 gals as last week. one of the guy was my ex ex colleague...great to party with u for first time...and I bet you will join us again anytime. The other smart and serious guy just knew from my gal friends...hmmm better and more fun than someonen else...gals...u know who am I talking about. So bad me huh? Not as packed as last week but still ok. Had 3 stouts (suppose 4 but a guy just know helped to finish it which I don't think I can finish nice of him), 2 shots - Chemical (4 nice colors 4 small cups with nice taste also) & Semboka Coffee Bean. Will like to try all sorts of shots if possible kekeke. Some sparkles towards the end of the night...but I'm not going to tell what is happening :p
So sien whole day no internet at office. Feel very sleepy consequences from last night. kekeke. Slept only at 3am. What a boring Friday I've ever had...sob sob.
Plan to have a dinner with someone but didn't think about just decide to go home la. Lucky my gang said got get together small party later tonite. better still! so called pot luck for last minute hehehe. Ok since nothing to do. I'll go home sleep a while first before join the party ler. very sleepy now. My gal friend ask to join her at Loft but no thanks....I'm too tired. One night a week clubbing cukup! kekekeke
Early morning go for excolleague house as "Ji Mui". But just be there for the morning. Afternoon got Wave class replacement at Hartamas 3pm leh. Thought of go massage one .... see if got time after class will go for it :p No plan yet for night...might look for gal friend for yum char...any better plan??? hmmm....