Last Saturday morning became ji mui to my ex-colleague's, Mavis wedding day. Quite a number of us cos most MYOB are gals. First of all, we all arrived about the same time and first thing is to have breakfast there. The breakfast delicious...Mavis really can cook! We all keep eating while waiting for the bride ready. Then we took some pic with the bride before the groom arrive. As usual, the wedding day for chinese is to play the groom before he got to meet the bride. Then the yum char thingy. I was busy taking pics for others...managed to get some group pics. I stayed until the bride ready to go out to groom's house. I'm so sleepy (slept late on Friday nite cos had a small lantern gathering at Larry's house n played mahjong till late :p). I need to catch some sleep before head to Hartamas for Wave class replacement. The rest decided follow the bride to groom's house...I've become ji mui quite number of times...quite fun though.
Here some pictures on the day.... The bride...Mavis & me 01 The cute little doggies rare by Mavis...both dressed up nicely. 02 The roasted pig usually needed for big day. 03 The bouquet of flower for the bride. 04 Nice snoopy toys sticked on wedding car.
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