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Monday, August 16, 2004

Wedding Dinner

Last Saturday went for a college friend's wedding dinner at Concorde Hotel. Both of them used to be my housemates when I'm living in Singapore. That nite I'm there earlier to help my friend preparing guest registration stuffs. Before the dinner I sit at the desk there to help registered guests list n collect ang pow...it was so kelam kabut n some names not on name list...*a bit headache seeing all these*...hahaha this made me thought tat if my wedding dinner will same as so messy? well if I know it I will get annoyed hahaha...

Here are some pics taken on that nite:
me, bride & groom (audrey & tze kian)
audrey & me
college's friends (different batches)
me & viski

Last Saturday was my bad day actually...I twisted my right ankle during gym class but luckily still can walk. Just painful if walk in certain angle. Then later on at home I slipped down n hurt my left leg..got light scar on it. Isn't it a bad day to me? In a day both leg got hurt! But thank god today feel better for both legs n I still can walk.

Yeah today is first day of ghost month...so u guys don't go out too late at night yeah. Becareful... n this whole month of seven don't do anything big moving at home such as shift furnitures, drill hole on the wall, hammer on the wall etc...This will not good to ur luck which it says in chinese "fan tai sui'...a friend of mine told me all these..believe it than no regret ok...


Julie said...

ahmoi.. y u always so 'loon joon' twisted ur legs one? aiyo.. anyway is good excuse for u not to 'pou' so often now n rest more.. hehe..

did u 'dai yu dai nyuk' during the wedding dinner? *delicious*

Shirlyn said...

yalor I also donno why I so loon jun lately. pui pui bad lucks following me hahaha.. yeah really good excuse for me not clubbing lor..julie, u different lor, can party every weekend..pui fuk pui fuk.

hmm dinner at concorde hotel. environment not bad n dishes ok la. no tai yu tai yuk lar..i'm on diet mar...:p